Saturday, March 10, 2012

Ethnic Night 3 - Mangia' Mangia'

As we packed out bags and headed to Italy ( which really means my in-laws in Brighton). In February we took a tour of Italy with Auntie Nae (Chef Dadda's sister), Grandma & Grandpa Reseigh (Chef Dadda's Mom and Dad).  Grandma comes from a very Italian family with the maiden last name Sclafani. She had many stories and secret tips to share with Sport and the family. I wasn't feeling so well so I didn't participate in the cooking that much, but supervised and took notes. Sport was greatly involved and had discussions about the differen kinds of noodles fat long, rong, bow tie and the reasons for all of them. Grandma discussed the schoolings and explained the BIG meals and cooking days on Sunday was very similar each week to what we were doing that day. Right after church each Sunday all of the family (Aunts & Uncles, cousins, and their cousins, and Grandparents and so on would all gather to make big meals together each Sunday).   

Some of the things Sport learned.....
About the schooling in Italy.
Stories and traditions from Grandmas life and her Mom & Dad and their stories.
How to peel potatoes
How to properly pound meat

The menu included:
* Spedini
* Pasta
* Italian Sausage
* Potatoes
* Green Beans
* Bread and moigue
OH and wine!!!

Sport peeling potatoes and Stinker washing a bowl

Learning how to fill the spedini.

Grandpa making his moigue

Mixing mixing buddy

Grandma explaining some history and family stories to Sport and Stinker

Learning how to properly use the your fingers!

Stinker is trying out the bubbles... this must be an appetizer.

Prayers before dinner.

I think Aunt Jenee' needs more food on her plate.

Yummy!!!! Where to start and dig in?!?

These were amazing!For dessert we enjoyed the delecasy cannolis which are Sicilian pastry desserts. Some had nuts on the end and others had mini chocolate chips.

While enjoying our desserts we all relaxed and played several gams of Wii. This is a perfect Italian night filled with laughter and memories.
Awwww loving Minnie after dinner.

Chef Dadda pouting on the couch because the ladies were beating him in bowling Wii.

Goooo Grandma go!
We continued the wonderful experience by all attending mass the following morning tomorrow and enjoying a wonderful family breakfast.

As the Italians would say who drinks well sleeps well he who sleeps well dreams well  "chi beve bene dorme bene,chi dorme bene sogna bene".  OR "La vita e' bella" which is Life is Beautiful.... and after family gatherings and times like this it really helps remind you of that.