Thursday, October 3, 2013

A free and much needed prescription

So as a couponer I am always on a hunt for fun things to do with the family or for the kids. I saw one of the latest raves about "Painting Parties" where you go to a painting studio with a group of friends (or by yourself) and you have a guided class teach you how to paint a canvass picture. The whole class paints the same picture.

Me someone who cannot draw a circle or make a line look remotely straight was so intreged but this class.
This is it.... exactly what we started with. A blank canvas. Spinning this to an inspirational view... my life can be a blank canvas and Im in charge of the picture I want to be.... filling it with BEAUTIFUL colors and happiness.

Oh the hell! I bought the deal for myself and 2 of my girl friends. I had panic attacks and all the way up to the day of the event they were telling me I was bailing out.

However, pushing yourself out of your comfort zone is important. My comfort zone = comfy pants, my boys, at home, with a blanket and either glass or wine or hot coffee. That's my zone and I love it. This whole going out during the work week, painting and I have never done anything even close to this before... WOW taking a big jump (ok it was a big jump for me putting my brush to the canvass).

With the health struggles I have been having. I decided a laugh is probably the best dose of meds I could take right about now.

Taking a moment to enjoy our wine... wine is healthy its good for your bloos. AND My wine for the night was green tea wine.... yummy!!!!!!!!

My beautiful friends and I. It was a great evening!!!!

This prescription was the best I have had so far.... laugh! Laugh until you cry, laugh until your body hurts. Even in those moments when you want to hide in a dark room and be alone PUSH yourself to take the medicine... its free and simple.

I did it and so can you!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Where there's a will there's a way

So I mentioned in my past few posts I haven't been feeling well.

After 2 appointments this past Thursday and convinced they were going to lock me up in a looney bin (humor is my way to shake off fear), I had a few ultra sounds and examine by my doctor. After dicussion the decision is.... surgery.

Puddles in my eyes. I had panic, fear, relief, questions, more pain.... LOTS to take in.

October 25th will be the big surgery day.

They will be removing a cyst that has been hangin on (literally) for about 5 to 6 months and meds just don't seem to do the trick. They will be possibly removing the ovary. In addition to examining for enedemetriosis, looking at my appendix/ gull bladder because of the sever pain on my right side.

So what does this mean now... lots of reasarch and MORE things to do lists are being made. I love my lists but now they are growing faster than ever. 

Spooky week as you may or may not know is my MOST favorite week at home. I have carried this tradition for 5 years now to cook spooky meals throughout the week of Halloween. We have so much fun with it and its been getting bigger each year to where I take "reservations" and we have friends join. This surgery isn't going to hold me down.... just more to plan ahead for.

I will be making about 5 to 8 meals ahead of time so they can be on hand for the few immediate days of recovery.

Lot's more to absorb and think through but where there's a will there's a way. Im going to get through this surgery and enjoy one of my most favorite months and still be the happy Mummabear every second of the way. Stressed, afraid, and so many more thoughts inside BUT smile are contagious and I also strongly believe that the way you feel and let yourself act impacts your health. So I am one happy go lucky Mumma (wink, wink that needs some acting classes I think).

Sunday, September 29, 2013

"Recycling" World as a Mom

My sister and I have been sharing a table at a Mom2Mom sale once a year for the past 4 years.  I think the biggest thought to enter the world of Mom2Mom selling is... you aren't in it for the money. This doesn't mean you won't make money, but in my opinion by the time you sort and sell any money you do collect at the sale you will use on your laundry list of items you have been waiting to buy (probably for your kids). It all works out... out with the old and in with the new. If the clothes look new/barely worn you might as well help another mom out and give her a deal on them. Meanwhile you go hit a few tables and deals yourself.

The greatest thing about doing the Mom2Mom sale with my sister is it's a day full 5 to 6 hours of spending time with eachother. We love, chat, and it's almost like Moms Day out!

We have grown in the past years to where we now are in need for and reserve 2 tables one of girl and one of boy clothes with a hugs assortment of toys available.

Some things we have learned over the past years that I think make a BIG difference in a successful sale.
This was my table at our last sale. I took out how much I spent on the table, bought 2 pairs of shoes, a coat, couple pairs of pants for Stinker. Walked away for $75 in hand to "recycle" and spend on the kids for new stuff needed.
  • Start your preparation for the sale months in advance if possible.
  • Dedicate at least one or two evenings before the sale to layout ALL of the clothes.
    • organize by size NB-3mon, 3mon-6mon, 6mon-9mon and so on.
    • If there is any stains dont attempt to sell if. Ask yourself the question... if I saw this at a table would I buy it? Chances are no. Don't risk losing customers because they find a stain. Seems silly but sometimes if they see one flaw, they move on with the assumption that you didn't take the time to care for the clothes.
    • Make sure you are bringing clothes in season. We recently found Fall sales people are coming for Fall and Winter. Then the Spring sales they are looking for the warmer clothes. If you have room on your table sure bring it all BUT if its going to be crowded, I suggest only in season and upcoming season. If anything bring the off season clothes and store them under your table incase someone asks for them.
  • Always have a petty cash box set up. We use one of the billion crayon boxes from our kids. Set it up with small bills and maybe a few bucks in coins. We normally start with $40 = 20 singles, two $5 bills, one $10 bill. We keep a pad of paper and pen in the box to help us keep track of sales. Also, this is nice incase either of us use a few bucks to go shop ourselves.
  • Signs.... bring some markers and blank paper. When you are all setup make a few signs that explains what you have for sale. "Boy Clothes NB-3T" or "Puzzles, Books, Video Games" Include prices on as many things as you can.
  • You will be there a long time. Bring some treats, drinks, and wear comfortable shoes because chances are you will be standing alot. 
  • We prefer to bring a sheet and cover the table before laying anything on it. No fault of the host but sometimes the tables are older, dirty, or if made out of wood you can even get splinters when picking up clothes (this is speaking from experience). Plus we think that the sheet once again shows a sign of preparation and care.
  • The couple weeks before the sale when I do my grocery shopping I go to bag my own items and "borrow" a few extra bags or I am the overwhelming bagger with only 1 or 2 items per bag. Once again you don't want to lose a sale because you didn't have a bag. It seems silly but has happened!
Most importantly get some rest before the sale. Chances are the past few nights you were running around. The evening before the sale you can normally set up. As soon as you are done go home and sleep! Show up the next morning with a big smile and no matter how sales go enjoy your day and make the best of it. Good luck!!!

Thursday, September 19, 2013


Over the summer schedules and routine tend to go out the window. We had 3 travel tournaments where we stayed in hotels in addition to several nights staying on the boat. Therefore, bedtime routine didn't necessarily exist every night. I also gained a cuddlebug Stinker!

I will be the first to admit I loved (still do kinda) when he started "sneaking" into our bed. He was NEVER a cuddler and during the day he still really isn't. So the first chance I had to hold, care, and snuggle him I took it.

HOWEVER, this Mommabear is getting worn out! Between him and Daddy AND don't forget our dog Rosie all battling the snore competition I can't catch a wink. Or the "massage" of tiny little feet kicking in my back as he rotates in his sleep isn't so enjoyable either.

We have talked and talked with him lately about staying in his super cool room. I have purchased different nightlights and lamps. We have set a routine of teeth, potty, and book. Going 6 days strong he has still joined us every night (sigh). We are debating about a reward plan but I still haven't decided if that's our next step. If you have any other ideas/suggestions please share!!!

Until then you will catch this Momma sleeping with her eyes open throughout the day and hiding for cat naps any chance I can get.

Look he even prefers the dogs bed over his own! Ahhhhhh We're lucky he is cute! :-)

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

You Were Right

I had major anxiety for a few weeks leading up to Sport starting Middle School... will he find his way, how will he remember all of his folders and books when I can't get him to remember to brush his teeth!?!?

So far he has managed to bring all his homework home (that we are aware). His first math assignment we had one of those "lovely" mother son chats because he didn't show any work. I swear he is Rainman! Numbers fly through his head and just comes so easily. Me on the other hand... I was using fingers, and toes, and asking to use his too!!! I discussed the importance of showing work and also we had a chat about remembering to write his Name, Date, and Page Number so we can find his work in order. I also suggested leaving some space to write changes/ notes if he got something wrong. Simple things so I thought but he just didn't agree. I get the age of wanting to do things on his own. I bit my tongue and let him turn it in how he wanted (WOW that was hard)!!!

The next day he came home and I asked how his homework turned out. A big sigh and mumbled under his breath "You were right she wanted more spacing and to show my work". As painful as that was for him to admit, I was so proud of him for being honest and sharing that with me. I chose not to gloat and make a big scene. Instead "OK well that's good at least we know what she expects". I ended the conversation and it was happily every after.

Although I am super proud of this situation. I will also say I wasn't so wrong to be in the panic I was in. I also suggested he put his "cool" new school ID in a safe spot in his backpack. He insisted in putting it in his locker. This morning I asked if he remembers where he put ..... the blank look was a give away as he said "Ummm I'm really not sure where that went". BIG breath.... I shared with him we will have to try to hunt that down and advised he looked in his locker, his room, and backpack when he has time. I then also pointed out to him that his school ID is his card for lunches therefore I loaded it with $20! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Take the good with the bad we are all learning from this experience together.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Best Medicine

The first weekend in MONTHS we truly had no plans. That's not to say we didn't have opportunities to do something (boating, shopping, and friend get together) but at least we didn't HAVE to go anywhere. My body must've known because since this past Friday evening for the past 36hrs I have been a pretty much a helpless Mummabear laying on the couch trying to rest and ease the pain of an unexpected cyst. I can normally push them off and hide the pain but there comes a time when sometimes it actually weakens me to my knees and that's pretty much where I decided that a TLC weekend was in the future. My laundry list of things to do is growing but the truth is all of it can wait! I'm taking this as a piece to my puzzle God was telling me to slow down. Last night hubby went out with some friends while me and the munchkins searched through Netflix and stumbled upon a Golden Christmas (movie about puppies and Christmas). Yes, it's only September but something you must know is that Christmas lasts all year round in this house. More importantly, giggling watching the puppies play and in return me and the boys cuddling and relaxing together was the PERFECT medicine for me! Today it's Sunday. I still have slight pain but nothing compared to the last 24hrs. I'm on the road to recovery and diagnosed myself with no need to go into urgent care/ the Dr. I just need blankets, cuddles, and lots of hugs and kisses (ok and a little motrin and heating pad). So what's your secret medicine when you have pains or aren't feeling well?

Don't mind the shirtless boys we were all ready for bed in pjs but this is my crew trying to make me feel better.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Are You Ready for Another?

I know, I know this week has been all about Stinker turning 4 and his party. However with this big event brought many friends and family to call/ visit. One question that came up so often was .... are you ready for another? You guys need to have one more? You need a little girl. You get the picture.

As always, I smirk, shrug the shoulders and try to dismiss the question. If only people knew how hard and painful that question really is to hear.

Just reaching my 30s with my friends, coworkers, and relatives officially in full bloom and all announcing their due dates this is just one more hurdle. As a mom, friend, and family member I couldn't be more happy for each and every one.

Evening comes and I recap the daughting question "Are you ready for another" or I replay the faces of excitement as I get told the news about the families growing.

It's just not that easy. As a female with PCOS as much as I want to say YES we are ready, YES we are going to, those are the answers I can just shout. Im on my 8th month of trying to balance meds with my Doctors (I have 3 to 4). All of them mixed together of course mess with my hormone levels, digestive system, energy levels and much more.

Losing close to 14 lbs in 5months sounds like a perfect thing to a female, but in the same case the reason behind it is from being so sick from the meds I just can't handle the food and nothing tastes good. Waking up at 5am with an alarm for work after restless sleep isn't getting any easier either.

Take it for what it is, I promise I am not trying to complain! My hubby and I with the boys are a strong team. We can and will concur the world together! This was me thinking aloud and for anyone that cares to listen to please stop and think before asking that "simple" question. Although it's a great question unless you REALLY know the person sometimes it can really leave someone in pain. I'm not writing this to make anyone feel bad or second what they have done in the past. This was to raise awareness and to be open to all including myself.

So in answer to your question as well as many others.... Are you ready for another? Yes we are, but we are letting god decide if he is too. Meanwhile, I sit and count my blessing each and everyday for all that I have and couldn't be more happy with that!

Hot Diggity Dog Left Over Ideas

Better to have too much food rather than not enough. Stinkers 4th birthday party went well. The house is now in order and we are getting back to "normal" (whatever that may be).

With over 20 cooked hot dogs left over and closer to 40 buns (some people didnt use buns which threw my number off). I know you can freeze bread/buns but I had concerns about the bread drying out still PLUS I had no food plans for this week.  I had to get creative this week for the meals, but  because of work and school still keep it simple. I didnt want to throw the food away nor run to the grocery store.

Check out the ways we "recycled" the hot dogs and buns without getting sick of them.
  • Homemade Croutons
  • Corn Dog Muffins Found this recipe on pinterest. Thank you Taste of home  for the idea.  *Only difference from this recipe we used fresh corn because it is fall time here in MI. *
  • Bruchetta
  • Coney Pizza
  • Bread Pudding - Thank you Foodnetwork for your recipe! We didnt add the nuts or rasins because our boys dont care for them.  Next time... I would suggest adding at least one of them which will tame down the sweetnees. WHEW it was sweet, yummy but sweet! Also, we used a packaged of hot dog buns chopped up and sat over 2 nights (to dry up). This was a fantastic evening snack hot with a cup of coffee building a puzzle as a family. Cant think of a better relaxing evening.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Bruchetta - quick and easy using hot dog buns

With many leftover hot dog buns from Stinkers 4th Birthday party; I had to get creative to reuse the leftovers.

Bruchetta on the left with chicken pasta. Great Fall dinner.

With my garden overflowing with tomatoes and now the leftover hot dog buns this seemed too silly to not create.

  • 2 to 3 larger tomatoes (peeled and chopped OR you can use a can of tamatoes drained once again with garden season we used fresh because they were on hand)
  • 1 clove of fresh garlic (thank you garden season garlic is full bloom and tasty as can be)
  • 2 teaspoon garlic/balsamic vinegar (I had garlic expressions in my fridge and used that)
  • fresh basil leaves, chopped to your liking (you could also use italian seasoning here)
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
  • 1 package of hot dog buns
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  1. Turn on the oven to 450°F to preheat.
  2. In a bowl mix the tomatoes, garlic, garlic/balsamic vinegar. Add the chopped basil and add salt and pepper to taste.
  3. Line a cookie sheet with foil.
  4. Split the hot dog buns apart so a package of 8 buns is now 16 pieces of slice of soon to be fantastic bruchetta lay on the foil cookie sheet.
  5. Brush with Olive Oil and flip all pieces over to brush again.
  6. Place tray of bread slices in the oven on the top rack (I used my toaster over so I did it in a couple of batches). Toast for 3-5 minutes on each side, until the bread just begins to turn golden brown and get crunchy.
  7. Place on serving platter with the brucheeta tomatoe mixture on the side to allow everyone to have control of how much they would like and avoid the bread to not get soggy before eating. This also makes for easier leftovers as you can retoast the bread quikly and add your mixture as needed.

Homemade Croutons

With many leftover hot dog buns from Stinkers 4th Birthday party; I had to get creative to reuse the leftovers.

I made a few batches of homemade croutons thinking it would be PERFECT for Fall Season fresh salads and in soups.

Homemade Croutons
I researched a few recipes and mixed and matched to make my own. Below measurements are just esitmates but that is part of the fun of making something like this. It doesnt have to be perfect!

  • 2 packages of hot dog buns (chopped up)
  • 2 tsp Garlic Salt
  • 1 tsp Onion Powder
  1. Heat oven to 375° F.
  2. Cut the buns into small pieces (about 1inch). Place on a baking sheet lined aluminum foil.
  3. Drizzle with the butter, sprinkle with salt and the herbs. Bake, turning and mixing on occasion to crisp all ends for about 10-15min/ until golden and crispy.
  4. Let cool completely and transfer in a resealable plastic bag/ container. I've read you can store them for about 5 to 7 days in fridge OR you can freezer for up to 3 months. We haven't gotten that far but I did try some the past couple of days and so far I'm very pleased.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Coney Pizza

With many leftover hot dog buns from Stinkers 4th Birthday party; I had to get creative to reuse the leftovers.
A family favorite!
Coney pizza... this time we added salami too (a little less spicey that pepperoni for the kids).

  • 1 pizza crust dough
  • 1 can of chili no beans or corn dog chili
  • 1/2 cup chopped onion
  • 4-6 chopped hot dogs
  • 1 cup shredded cheddar (we prefer shar cheddar for this pizza)
  1. Heat oven to 400°F.
  2. Unroll and press pizza dough on floured baking pan.
  3. Spread the chili sauce leaving some edge for crust if you prefer.
  4. Top sauce with chopped onion, hot dogs, and cheese
  5. Bake pizza 12 minutes or until cheese is melted and crust is golden brown.
  6. Top with favorite condiments such as ketchup or mustard if you wish or eat it the way it is. Yummy!

Monday, September 9, 2013


OK I know my past two posts have been about his birthday which included the party planning and the party.

Today was much different. No planning at all and no one around. Just me and stinker.

Stop 1. Every morning is better with donuts

Stop 2. You can't have a birthday with a balloon.

Stop 3.  No time clock, nothing else to do we spent 5hrs at the zoo and he was in heaven. The weather was partially cloudy (even rained for about 30min) but that didn't stop him. No stroller (he is a big boy). We walked, and talked, and talked, and laughed.  The place was pretty empty which made it even more of a special experience.The animales were putting on a show for him and my little silly boy photographer captured all of it.



The party was great fun but my one on one time with the birthday boy was the BEST thing I could've asked for. His true colors come out when he is around animals... he is one himself.

Happy birthday little man.... I love you forever and always!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Drive-In Birthday Party

Mother Nature did not get an invite and apparently was mad at me. The forecast for today.... 84 with isolated thunderstorms. As we were setting up the party tent we heard sports games were being postponned due to weather conditions. Ahhhhhhh!

I can only plan so much! As I explained in  ............ I was all ready for today.

Our little birthday boy was picked up at 8am today to go fishing with his faorite Ms. Klare. This gave us a good solid 4hrs of no "extra" hands if you know what I mean (wink, wink).

OK fast forward its PaRty Time!!! As everyone (meaning approximately 70 people) run inside the house because it is raining as the arrive. NOT what I had planned. The kids were running up and down the stairs with toy swords, guns, balls, and anything else boy that is around the house with the girls screaming. Ah yes exactly how I planned it NOT!!!!!!

Less than 30-40min later we started to move people outside and this my friends is when the party got started....

Hot Dog steamer was a hit which had our Hot Diggity Dogs served with all the fixins on the side(ketchup, mustard, onions, fresh garden tomatoes, and cheese). I had an array of chip bags.

 The whole style was grab and go. Once people finished eating I had them move to make "cars" for the movie. Cute table all set up with supplies (glue, stickers, paper, sicorss, glitter and jewels). Instead I found the kids "sledding" with the boxes down the hill. Exactly how I planned it NOT!!! haha actually it was really funny to watch and they had a blast. You can't plan it all and the things they came up with made the party even better.

OK cars are made (kinda), movie is set up.

My cupcake tower (I made yey) was displayed, the "concession stand" was open and the popcorn machine was doing its thing. Let the fun begin!

We did something a little different. We sang happy birthday and then instead of blowing out a candle we released a lantern. He was soooooooooooooooo excited! Best of all exactly how I planned it NOT but even better than I hoped. Apparently there was another party nearby and they too released lanterns. Stinker thought his lantern went and got his "friends" he was soooo excited it was the best surprise for him (and me).

His lantern going away.

His lantern found "friends" at least 7 or 8 in this picture look like polka dots.

Birthday boy in his car with his tigers and glow sticks.

The movie played, the kids giggled and smiled and to me made it all worth it.

Look how big this screen was compared to the roof of my neighbors yard!

Of course no party would be complete without me forgetting something... if anyone would like to come join us this week we have prescooped ice cream in the freezer! Exactly how I planned it... not!!! ha-ha

Friday, September 6, 2013

All For The Smiles

In less than 36hrs we will be hosting Stinkers 4th birthday party at the house. This is our 1st party at this house (we moved last September) this is also his first party at a house (we have done a park and the zoo but never house party for him). My "Things To Do" lists have been going for MONTHS. Yes don’t worry you aren’t seeing things. I said months....
An edited version of the front and back of the invites/ tickets I created for the party!
You know me the planner-worker-be how did this party come about:
  1. I saw a Groupon in January for an outdoor movie screen (snagged it and set the theme "Drive-In Movie Party)
  2. In March and April I started to research ideas for decorations, projects, invites, food...
  3. I made all invites in July/August
  4. Started printing pictures for centerpieces and cupcake tower about 4 weeks ago
  5. Bought all candy and made the concession stand 3 weeks ago
  6. Made all of the thank you gifts last week
  7. Premade some BIG ice cubs and blocks of frozen lemonade for the beverage station couple nights ago (this way we aren't running through bags of ice or watering down drinks)
  8. Prescooped the ice cream last night!
Posters I made. The top sign for the front of the house to direct people to the backyard and the 2nd sign was ideas I found of "cars". That sign will go on the car supplies table with the cardboard boxes, paper, glue, and other supplies.
I can go on, but you get the point.... we are ready (ok no not yet I have about 1 page of things to do tonight and tomorrow morning).

So I move on.... WHY? Why do I do this? That's easy... I do it for the smiles!!!

By no means do I feel like we spoil our kids. Almost everything at this party is handmade (took hours to make, but didn't cost much at all). I am not making it a competition to outdo anyone elses party. I am not trying to earn "Best Mom Award" and throw a party everyone will talk about for years to come. I do it for the smiles. I know my kids best and at each party the little elements I include are for them it's that simple.

Hidden Elements for this party:
  • Hot dogs (Stink is a picky eater but Hot Dogs are something he doesn't hesitate to eat)
  • Chips (well everyone likes chips)
  • Popcorn (I hate it but he loves it)
  • Candy and more candy (Enough said)
  • Concession Stand (He loves to play pretend. Let's pretend we are really at the movies...why not!)
  • Making the cars (He loves pretending, I can visualize him now with all his friends in cars sitting together)
  • Pictures and more pictures (most of the decorations have pictures. Once again that is for him. He loves to see himself as a baby and hear stories)
  • Cupcakes (I chose cupcakes to serve and prescooped the ice cream so I too can enjoy the party. It's that simple)
With that said, my checklists are calling my name and I must continue on. Stay tuned for the pictures and party recap!

*** Check out how the party turned out here ***

Thursday, September 5, 2013

To New Beginings

Hi! It's been a while! WELL, actually it hasn't. My Sister and I jumped into a summer blogging project together over at Sister2SisterJourney. It was tons of fun and we plan to share the pen on occasion on that site, but the truth is our day to day life we have different stories we want to share as well. So here is the place I will call "home". This is my spot to laugh, cry, vent, learn, and recap the projects/ crafts and much more!!!

A quick recap of the summer....
  • This past summer we had 4 travel tournaments for Sport. We are so proud of him and his team for completing their first travel ball season playing over 50 games in the season!

  • We had a great boating season making it out on the water quite a few times even for some weekend get aways.

  • This past holiday weekend I am extra proud of mine and my sisters kiddos for placing 1st in the family skit night. They all did such a great job remembering their lines and performing.

  • I gave my green thumb a try.... I failed miserably with starting with seeds but we didn't give up. The start of Spring we purchased a few pepper plants and two tomato plants... right now I have an overflowing garden of veggies. I did manage to get green beans from a seed and so far we have had 2 side dishes of them from the garden. YEY!  

  • Stinker.... well he is stinker. On a casual Tuesday evening he was playing with his car and somehow he slipped into the TV stand. Thankfully no stitches but I feel the need to update you on this because he now has a super cool (wink wink) scar right in the middle of his nose for the next several years. What a ham!
OK so of course that was the cliff notes version of our summer. School is officially in session and we are ready to "Fall" into our routine. Sending good luck wishes to my NEW Middle Schooler (6th Grade) Sport and our Little Guy is in 4yr Old Preschool. More stories and entertainment from both later Im sure.

If you liked what you read and would like to follow along please join by email, pinterest, facebook, twitter, or instagram.


Monday, August 5, 2013

My Four Corners

Life is like a puzzle. The most important parts to my Life Puzzle are the corners. Take a look at my corners that keep me together.

My Hubby! Meet Jason... he is a few (years older than me) but his childish behavior still has me question if Im really not older than him. He works full time as a laser something something. Seeing as how his job is in the medical field you cant often plan on the procedures he performs. Therefore, his schedule is impossible to plan around and always keeps us guessing and on our toes. He is a sports fanatic, extremely smart, and big hearted guy.

Sport - Is 12years old and in 6th grade Middle School. He is our Baseball All Star! He plays for a travel competitive baseball team that plays 10 out of the 12 months in a year. Jason is one of the coaches. Sport is the BEST big brother anyone could ask for!!! He has a HUGE heart and will help anyone. He tends to be shy and saying he is easily distracted from daily chores and housework is putting it mildly. He is very smart and often times I compare him to rainman when he brings up certain facts. I look forward to my daily discussions and everything he teaches me.

Stinker - He is our little angel and will be 5 in September. After struggles getting pregnant (due to my PCOS) we feel blessed to have him with us. He is smaller than most in his grade, but his BIG personality makes him a leader. Unfortunately he got my clutsy gene and so bumps, bruises and cuts are a daily occurrence for him. His immune system stinks so we are often facing some sort of cold, sinus, or other little bug that tries to take him down but never succeeds. He is such a strong little fighter! Our little Man loves to help out in the kitchen and is very creative, energetic, and always good for a laugh.

Rosie Grace - My Little Girl! She is such a cuddle bug and sweetheart. She is very protective of all of her family but truly can't hurt a fly. I mean that literally... she hates going outside (LOL).  I would love to dress her up everyday but the boys done allow it. Have no fear I sneak in the cute pink and "diamonds" where I can.

So there you have it those are my main corners to my life puzzle. Throughout my blogging journey you will notice many other important pieces to my life puzzle. Enjoy the ride with me as I continue to build it each day.