Thursday, September 12, 2013

Are You Ready for Another?

I know, I know this week has been all about Stinker turning 4 and his party. However with this big event brought many friends and family to call/ visit. One question that came up so often was .... are you ready for another? You guys need to have one more? You need a little girl. You get the picture.

As always, I smirk, shrug the shoulders and try to dismiss the question. If only people knew how hard and painful that question really is to hear.

Just reaching my 30s with my friends, coworkers, and relatives officially in full bloom and all announcing their due dates this is just one more hurdle. As a mom, friend, and family member I couldn't be more happy for each and every one.

Evening comes and I recap the daughting question "Are you ready for another" or I replay the faces of excitement as I get told the news about the families growing.

It's just not that easy. As a female with PCOS as much as I want to say YES we are ready, YES we are going to, those are the answers I can just shout. Im on my 8th month of trying to balance meds with my Doctors (I have 3 to 4). All of them mixed together of course mess with my hormone levels, digestive system, energy levels and much more.

Losing close to 14 lbs in 5months sounds like a perfect thing to a female, but in the same case the reason behind it is from being so sick from the meds I just can't handle the food and nothing tastes good. Waking up at 5am with an alarm for work after restless sleep isn't getting any easier either.

Take it for what it is, I promise I am not trying to complain! My hubby and I with the boys are a strong team. We can and will concur the world together! This was me thinking aloud and for anyone that cares to listen to please stop and think before asking that "simple" question. Although it's a great question unless you REALLY know the person sometimes it can really leave someone in pain. I'm not writing this to make anyone feel bad or second what they have done in the past. This was to raise awareness and to be open to all including myself.

So in answer to your question as well as many others.... Are you ready for another? Yes we are, but we are letting god decide if he is too. Meanwhile, I sit and count my blessing each and everyday for all that I have and couldn't be more happy with that!

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