The greatest thing about doing the Mom2Mom sale with my sister is it's a day full 5 to 6 hours of spending time with eachother. We love, chat, and it's almost like Moms Day out!
We have grown in the past years to where we now are in need for and reserve 2 tables one of girl and one of boy clothes with a hugs assortment of toys available.
Some things we have learned over the past years that I think make a BIG difference in a successful sale.
- Start your preparation for the sale months in advance if possible.
- Dedicate at least one or two evenings before the sale to layout ALL of the clothes.
- organize by size NB-3mon, 3mon-6mon, 6mon-9mon and so on.
- If there is any stains dont attempt to sell if. Ask yourself the question... if I saw this at a table would I buy it? Chances are no. Don't risk losing customers because they find a stain. Seems silly but sometimes if they see one flaw, they move on with the assumption that you didn't take the time to care for the clothes.
- Make sure you are bringing clothes in season. We recently found Fall sales people are coming for Fall and Winter. Then the Spring sales they are looking for the warmer clothes. If you have room on your table sure bring it all BUT if its going to be crowded, I suggest only in season and upcoming season. If anything bring the off season clothes and store them under your table incase someone asks for them.
- Always have a petty cash box set up. We use one of the billion crayon boxes from our kids. Set it up with small bills and maybe a few bucks in coins. We normally start with $40 = 20 singles, two $5 bills, one $10 bill. We keep a pad of paper and pen in the box to help us keep track of sales. Also, this is nice incase either of us use a few bucks to go shop ourselves.
- Signs.... bring some markers and blank paper. When you are all setup make a few signs that explains what you have for sale. "Boy Clothes NB-3T" or "Puzzles, Books, Video Games" Include prices on as many things as you can.
- You will be there a long time. Bring some treats, drinks, and wear comfortable shoes because chances are you will be standing alot.
- We prefer to bring a sheet and cover the table before laying anything on it. No fault of the host but sometimes the tables are older, dirty, or if made out of wood you can even get splinters when picking up clothes (this is speaking from experience). Plus we think that the sheet once again shows a sign of preparation and care.
- The couple weeks before the sale when I do my grocery shopping I go to bag my own items and "borrow" a few extra bags or I am the overwhelming bagger with only 1 or 2 items per bag. Once again you don't want to lose a sale because you didn't have a bag. It seems silly but has happened!