Mother Nature did not get an invite and apparently was mad at me. The forecast for today.... 84 with isolated thunderstorms. As we were setting up the party tent we heard sports games were being postponned due to weather conditions. Ahhhhhhh!
I can only plan so much! As I explained in ............ I was all ready for today.
Our little birthday boy was picked up at 8am today to go fishing with his faorite Ms. Klare. This gave us a good solid 4hrs of no "extra" hands if you know what I mean (wink, wink).
OK fast forward its PaRty Time!!! As everyone (meaning approximately 70 people) run inside the house because it is raining as the arrive. NOT what I had planned. The kids were running up and down the stairs with toy swords, guns, balls, and anything else boy that is around the house with the girls screaming. Ah yes exactly how I planned it NOT!!!!!!
Less than 30-40min later we started to move people outside and this my friends is when the party got started....
Hot Dog steamer was a hit which had our Hot Diggity Dogs served with all the fixins on the side(ketchup, mustard, onions, fresh garden tomatoes, and cheese). I had an array of chip bags.
The whole style was grab and go. Once people finished eating I had them move to make "cars" for the movie. Cute table all set up with supplies (glue, stickers, paper, sicorss, glitter and jewels). Instead I found the kids "sledding" with the boxes down the hill. Exactly how I planned it NOT!!! haha actually it was really funny to watch and they had a blast. You can't plan it all and the things they came up with made the party even better.
OK cars are made (kinda), movie is set up.
My cupcake tower (I made yey) was displayed, the "concession stand" was open and the popcorn machine was doing its thing. Let the fun begin!
We did something a little different. We sang happy birthday and then instead of blowing out a candle we released a lantern. He was soooooooooooooooo excited! Best of all exactly how I planned it NOT but even better than I hoped. Apparently there was another party nearby and they too released lanterns. Stinker thought his lantern went and got his "friends" he was soooo excited it was the best surprise for him (and me).
His lantern going away.
His lantern found "friends" at least 7 or 8 in this picture look like polka dots.
Birthday boy in his car with his tigers and glow sticks.
The movie played, the kids giggled and smiled and to me made it all worth it.
Look how big this screen was compared to the roof of my neighbors yard!
Of course no party would be complete without me forgetting something... if anyone would like to come join us this week we have prescooped ice cream in the freezer! Exactly how I planned it... not!!! ha-ha